Security systems, access control, alarms, locks, manufacturers, suppliers, installers and more..frequently asked questions.





Frequently Asked Questions



Why should I use globalsecurityshop.com?

globalsecurityshop.com will provide you with the most unique, comprehensive, worldwide service for the security industry. Unlike any other service, globalsecurityshop.com is a constantly growing, interactive provider of information to meet your needs.

What level of service can I expect?

The service provided by globalsecurityshop.com will connect you to the world's leading manufacturers of security products, trade suppliers, installation companies, consultancy and recruitment.

Will it cost me to use the service?

No.This is a free-to-view service.

However, if you wish to use Globalsecurityshop.com for marketing your own products and services please contact us for more information.

Can I contact globalsecurityshop.com?

Yes. There is a contact facility available on the front page of the internet site which allows the opportunity to email your comments. This service is for you, therefore your input is valuable.

What if I cannot find what I am looking for?

Simple. Use the contact facility (mentioned above) to forward any security related enquiries. Our team of highly experienced consultants will endeavour to provide you with all the necessary information or forward your enquiry to an expert.

Can I purchase product?

Yes. Low cost, easy to install, easy to use product will be available. For more complex product and systems, a consultant can contact you to discuss your needs in more detail.

If I/we have an existing web site, can a link be set up from globalsecurityshop.com?

Yes. If you have an existing web site offering product/services to the security industry, a link can be set up from globalsecurityshop.com free of charge (return links are, of course, appreciated!!)

What if I/we do not have a web site and wish to use your services?

globalsecurityshop.com offers a service to you/your company to advertise products/services globally via the internet. For more information, please email us.



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